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NFT Game Development Company
Zfort Group has been engaged in projects with highly complex technologies for a long time. We do complicated things simply and with taste.
Our company has been developing blockchain smart-contract projects since 2015. During this time, we gained experience with all popular Blockchains, such as Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, and others. We have successful cases of token development, NFT collections development, NFT games development, and NFT marketplaces development.
We have also been working in other general areas of software development since 2000 and developing eCommerce projects, enterprise systems, web and mobile applications, etc.
Moreover, cutting-edge tech such as AI, Big Data, the Internet of Things, and Chatbots are also included in our area of expertise. Successful projects focused on Artificial Intelligence and constant learning from modern technologies help us solve problems of any complexity.
This makes us a reliable company that can take on NFT development cases of any complexity.
Our expertise in blockchain projects, and tokenization numbers several dozen projects. Today Such technologies have become more relevant than ever, especially for an industry such as video games. If you need to create your own yan for your game, but you don't have the expertise in this matter, you've come to the right place. We have expertise in the Ethereum system and such popular solutions as ERC-721, ERC-1155, etc. We also know how to work with blockchains based on PoS, such as Flow.
Non-Fungible Token enables players to register their unique items, skins, subscriptions on the blockchain system, which automatically makes their contributions valuable. This means that this is already the standard for games. Today, of course, it has just appeared, but we are looking a couple of years ahead, where only old games do not use this technology, which provides advantages for players.
NFT automatically increases all global assets' value since they are an intrinsic value for the players.
All related NFTs are unique and are always protected by a decentralized blockchain system, which means they cannot be stolen or faked because you can always trace all the information about NFT. Furthermore, the uniqueness of NFT itself means that it cannot be used everywhere, which means that its value will be maintained. All this creates a safe and transparent environment for everyone because you can track all transactions of every user. So it makes a good gaming atmosphere, and a good relationship is a key to the game's longevity. Plus, you can always introduce an incentive system for players, which will help them earn virtual money that will be of value thanks to the cryptocurrency.
Here at Zfort Group, we select the best solutions and a team for specific projects. Let's talk!
Here you will find a list of our services that we can provide you with for NFT game development. This list includes game-related options only; of course, we can implement an NFT project from any other industry.
It is a relatively new component of many NFT games. The user is allowed to purchase NFT virtual land. The land price depends on the popularity of a particular NFT game, as well as cryptocurrency's price.
Blockchain-based board games. Allow creating unique smart-contracts for game characters and inventory.
A safer and fairer approach to online gambling. Thanks to blockchain systems, the operations of the casino will become more transparent.
Racing games are a popular genre in the game industry. NFT technology allows you to turn game objects purchased only for playing in the game into tangible assets with real value.
Mobile games are the collective name for all games in any genre that can be installed on a smartphone.
This type of games unites fun and profits. You can earn money in it like in any other game in the form of crystals, coins, artifacts, etc., but the difference is that they will have an actual price and can be sold to other users.
PvP Battle Game is a genre for those who love battling against each other. A simple example is the skins from the game, which give the player a visual difference, but do not affect the game balance.
The once-popular genre of slot machines may be in the online environment.
Here, NFT technologies can work as collection cards and NFT assets. Any in-game item that is used for in-game activities can be an NFT.
A Crypto game is literally any game in which the entire exchange economy is built on cryptocurrency.
Popular sport-game in the USA. You can be the owner of a whole club with players, conduct training and exchange virtual players.
This is already a separate genre, which contains different directions. There are zombie shooter games, survival games, escape games, building defensive towers against zombies, zombie races, and much more.
Adventure, treasure hunting, unraveling mysteries all belong to the genre.
Fantasy games are an excellent place for NFT technology.
This is the next stage of the NFT virtual land development. You do not just buy land and build houses. Here, you can create an entire infrastructure, galleries, cafes, offices, schools, museums, game centers, etc.
Actually, you can turn many things into NFT in Arcade games: special characters, physical assets
Special moments, unique items, and such are perfect things for NFT.
Fantasy sport NFT looks similar to the real sport since all tokens exist only in virtual reality as an abstract idea. So the same unique player assets, cards, scores, moments, players
Simulations are the virtual environment, which is close to the real world, as much as possible. The AR/VR advancements offer a better simulation experience.
NFT is used in gaming to record a unique game item creation by registering it in the general blockchain system so that you can see its history of transactions, owners, prices, etc.
The NFT must ensure that transactions occur as transparently and honestly as possible. New game items are recorded in special NFT smart contracts. They are assigned a unique code that confirms the item's uniqueness, making it interesting for the world of investments.
So, in short, NFT is used in games to turn game items into investments.
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