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AI-Powered Cannabis Supply Chain Solutions

Supply chain management challenges are one of the most common challenges in the cannabis industry. Companies often face difficulties in managing inventory, optimizing logistics and accurately forecasting demand.

We at Zfort Group offer AI solutions that will help you solve these problems effectively. Our technologies enable accurate inventory management, automation of logistics processes and improved demand forecasting. We create custom solutions tailored to the unique needs of your business to help you increase efficiency and reduce operating costs.

In addition to supply chain management, we offer solutions to automate data analysis, real-time monitoring and improve customer engagement. Our team of experts is ready to develop and implement AI solutions that will help your business reach new heights in the rapidly evolving cannabis industry.

Why Zfort Group

Deep Expertise

We have more than 20 years of experience in developing IT solutions, which makes us experts in our field. Our specialists have extensive experience in implementing complex projects, including custom AI solutions. This allows us to solve the most complex problems and achieve high results for our clients.

Specialization in AI

We have successfully implemented many artificial intelligence projects for various industries, including cannabis. Our AI solutions help companies automate processes, improve data accuracy, and streamline operations. We know how to use AI to make your business more efficient and competitive.

A complex approach

We offer a full range of services from data analysis to implementation and support of AI solutions. Our specialists work at every stage of the project, ensuring its successful implementation and achievement of set goals. We create solutions that fully meet your needs and objectives.

Innovative technologies

We use the most modern and effective technologies and tools in our projects. Our solutions are based on the latest advances in AI and IT, which ensures their high performance and reliability. We constantly monitor new trends and introduce innovations to achieve better results.

Transparency and Reliability

We build our relationships with clients on trust and honesty, guaranteeing the high quality of our services. Open terms of cooperation and fair prices are our main principles. We always fulfill our obligations and strive for long-term cooperation with each client.

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Services we provide

AI for inventory management

We offer inventory management automation solutions that help you accurately track inventory levels and avoid overstocks or stockouts. Our AI systems analyze data in real time and predict demand, ensuring optimal inventory management.

This allows you to reduce operating costs and improve business efficiency.

Logistics optimization

Our AI solutions for logistics help optimize delivery routes and reduce transportation costs. We develop algorithms that take into account various factors such as traffic and weather conditions for maximum efficiency.

This ensures timely delivery of products and improves customer satisfaction.

Demand Forecasting

We create AI models to accurately forecast demand for products. Our algorithms analyze historical data and market trends to predict future needs.

This allows you to better plan production and inventory, minimizing the risk of shortages or excess products.

Real-time monitoring and reporting

Our solutions provide relevant data and reports in real time. This allows you to quickly respond to changes and make informed decisions to improve business processes.

We provide transparency and control at every stage of the supply chain.

Automation of interaction with clients

We offer AI chatbots and other automated systems to improve customer service. Our solutions help process customer requests quickly and efficiently, providing them with the information they need.

This increases customer satisfaction and frees up your employees' time for more complex tasks.

Benefits of AI for the Cannabis Supply Chain

AI algorithms analyze large volumes of data with high accuracy, which allows you to avoid errors and obtain more reliable information about inventory, supply and demand.
Automating processes with AI significantly reduces the time it takes to complete tasks such as demand forecasting and inventory management. This allows you to quickly respond to changes and make prompt decisions.
AI solutions help optimize logistics and inventory management, which reduces operating costs. Automation allows you to use resources more efficiently and minimize losses.
Our technologies enable optimal inventory and logistics management, which improves overall business performance. This includes accurate demand forecasting and automatic inventory updates.
Implementing AI solutions gives your business a competitive advantage by allowing you to quickly adapt to changes in the market. You`ll be able to manage your supply chain more efficiently and serve your customers better.

Work process


Understanding client needs

At the first stage, we conduct a detailed discussion with the client to identify the goals and objectives of the project. We study the specifics of your business and your expectations from AI solutions. This allows us to form a clear idea of what specific problems need to be solved.


Research and analysis

After defining your goals, we analyze your company's current data and infrastructure. We evaluate the available data and determine what additional data may be required. This helps us develop a strategy and plan for implementing AI solutions.


Strategy Development

Based on the information collected, we develop an AI implementation strategy. We create a plan that includes the selection of technologies, methods and tools, as well as determining the time frame and resources required to implement the project. This provides a structured approach to completing tasks.


Development and integration

At this stage, we begin to develop AI solutions. We build and train models, integrate them into your current infrastructure, and tune them to perform optimally. Our specialists ensure smooth integration of AI systems into your business processes.


Testing and optimization

After integration, we conduct thorough testing of the developed solutions. We check their functionality, correctness and efficiency. If necessary, adjustments and optimizations are made to achieve the best results.

Technology stack

Programming languages:
Project management tools:
Cloud platforms:
Data storage systems:

Case study


FlowCann is a cannabis distribution company in major markets.

Problem:Poor efficiency in inventory management and logistics, resulting in frequent supply disruptions and high operating costs.

Solution: We have implemented AI solutions to optimize the supply chain. Our data analytics and demand forecasting algorithms have helped FlowCann improve inventory management and reduce delivery times.

Conclusion: The implementation of AI solutions allowed FlowCann to reduce operating costs by 20% and reduce delivery time by 15%. This has increased customer satisfaction and improved overall business performance.


GreenSupply is a company specializing in the wholesale distribution of cannabis products.

Problem:Difficulty forecasting demand and optimizing logistics, which led to excess inventory and increased storage costs.

Solution: We developed and implemented an AI system for accurate demand forecasting and inventory management. The system analyzed historical data and market trends, which made it possible to improve planning and optimize logistics processes.

Conclusion: Thanks to AI solutions, GreenSupply was able to reduce excess inventory by 25% and reduce storage costs by 30%. This allowed the company to use resources more efficiently and increase profits.

Client Testimonials

David Parker

David Parker


Zfort Group helped us optimize our supply chain using AI. We reduced operating costs by 20% and improved delivery times by 15%.

James Roberts

James Roberts

Logistics Manager

Zfort Group has automated our logistics processes, which has significantly increased their efficiency. We have reduced transportation costs and improved customer service.

Sarah Thompson

Sarah Thompson


AI solutions from Zfort Group have improved demand forecasting and inventory management. We have reduced excess inventory by 25% and reduced storage costs by 30%.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


The cost of development depends on the complexity of the project, the technologies used and the time required for implementation. We always strive for a fair cost estimate, selecting the optimal technology stack, team and development time so that the client receives the most balanced price tag without overpayments and subsequent rework.

Development time depends on the complexity of the project. On average, the implementation of AI solutions takes from several weeks to several months. We always try to adhere to the agreed deadlines and provide high quality work.

We use a wide range of technologies including Python, JavaScript, Ruby, AWS, MySQL and many more. All solutions are developed taking into account the specifics of your business and needs, ensuring maximum efficiency and reliability.

We use modern data security techniques, including encryption, authentication and regular security checks. This guarantees the safety of your data and protects it from unauthorized access.

Yes, we offer support and upgrade services for our solutions. You can always contact us to make changes or add new features to your project. We are ready to adapt solutions to new requirements and evolving needs of your business.

Key benefits include increased data accuracy, faster processes, lower operational costs and the ability to quickly adapt to market changes. AI solutions help optimize inventory management and logistics, improving overall business performance.

Our integration process includes detailed analysis of current data and infrastructure, strategy development, model creation and training, model integration and configuration, testing and optimization. We ensure seamless integration of AI systems into your business processes and provide long-term support and updates.

We Are Happy to Listen

Tell us about your project to get the ball rolling

Would you like to eliminate the
pain points of your IT operations?

Are you facing inefficiencies in your cannabis supply chain operations? With two decades of expertise in cutting-edge software development, we`re here to optimize your supply chain with our AI-powered solutions. Our custom AI solutions enhance inventory management, streamline logistics, and improve demand forecasting. Reach out to learn how we can transform your supply chain strategy and boost your business efficiency.
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